If you are interested in being able to quickly debug and develop web application, consider installing these useful tools to help you.
- You should use nvm to install and manage NodeJS.
- Kadira can help you optimize performance of a Meteor app.
Browser Extensions
- React Developer Tools
- Apollo Client Developer Tools
- MobX Developer Tools
- Altair GraphQL Client
- Meteor DevTools
- z-context
Code Editor Extensions
Visual Studio Code
- Auto Import
- Code Spell Checker
- Debugger for Chrome
- Docker
- Document This
- EditorConfig
- ESLint
- GitLens
- GraphQL
- JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets
- Jest Snippets Standard Style
- npm
- npm Intellisense
- Prettier
- Prettify Selected JSON
- Promise Snippets
- ReactJS Code Snippets
- Remark
- Simple React Snippets
- Commitizen Support
- styled-components
- Parinfer
- cljfmt
- js2-mode
- rjsx-mode
- prettier-js
- flycheck
- json-mode
- graphql-mode
- markdown-mode
- dockerfile-mode
- yaml-mode
- editorconfig